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Indie music label and distributor



Release Date: 07 January 2013

Format: Digital

Label: Rival Nest Records


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Water 5:05


We are INTRVALS (pronounced 'Intervals'), a 4-piece alternative indie band from London. We released our debut single Water on 14th October 2012 but due to a slight band anme tweak, we're re-releasing it now in January 2013 under our new devowelestrated moniker. We think it sounds a bit like Radiohead meets Wild Beasts.

We first decided to form a band 11 years ago in Oxford. We rehearsed in a room without windows back then. Not out of choice. We used to be called The Black Sand, playing meandering rock songs with Big Muff pedals and a very loud snare drum but have spent the last six months writing songs in Camden, in another room without windows. It can't be good for you. We decided upon a new name to mark our departure in a new musical direction, and even designed a logo. It didn't take long, it's a very simple logo. We've got an EP planned for early 2013.