Indie music label and distributor
1. Kick
2. Billy Zane
3. Breakdown
4. Silverdolls
5. You take the soul right out of me (demo)
Formed in 2003, Tricky Nixon are a Manchester based 4-piece trash-rock band which owes nothing to Mad-chester. Drink and drugs, for once, have brought something different out of the city although the fact that two of them are from North Wales and have too many Y's and H's in their names may have something to do with that. Named after the infamous US president / criminal, the band have spent the last eighteen months getting their schtick together live by touring with bands like mclusky and The Kaiser Chiefs and playing as many damp dives as possible. The group also recently played a triumphant show at In The City on a Fierce Panda showcase night, receiving rave reviews from Radio 1 and NME.
Tricky Nixon's music is a brilliant mix of lo-fi indie cool and hook laden, west coast pop. What we are talking here is what you would get if The Beach Boys had written songs for the Pixies. This eponymous EP is the bands debut release and is a great starting point for the uninitiated.