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Hook You Up


Release Date: 20 April 2018

Format: Digital

Label: Sylver Tongue


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Hook You Up [3:52]


HOOK YOU UP is the third track to be taken from Charlotte Hatherley's new album TRUE LOVE.

"Written in the aftermath of a break up, Hook You Up explores heartache and recovery. The lyrics were written using the cut-up technique, offering strange sequences and surrealist images which I used to create a dreamlike landscape where love is lost but the memories are very much alive. It's about meeting someone new when you're still emotionally tethered to the person who broke your heart. It's not easy to move on when True Love runs deep".

Charlotte's love of sci-fi and soundtracks of all kinds is celebrated on the critically acclaimed TRUE LOVE album where Charlotte inhabits a character, Traveller, who is on a different planet looking for True Love.