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First Chance I Get I'm Out of Here


Release Date: 23 April 2007

Format: CD Album

Label: Gaia Media



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1 Novelty Soap
2 Could you Tell
3 Captain Gullible
4 So Called Friend
5 Fake
6 Progress has Stopped
7 And After All
8 Coming Up Roses
9 Wonderful Thing
10 Short Song of The Unloved
11 In You House
12 Probe
13 Every Atom
14 Quainton Road
15 First Chance I Get I'm Out of Here


Charming and a natural comedian he lives and plays for the good things in life, never taking things too seriously and never with even a hint of an inflated ego. John has worked with many distinguished musicians and producers throughout his musical journey. These include: Martin Grech, Tim Bradshaw (David Gray, Fat Lady Sings), Dylan Howe (Blockheads, Son of Steve Howe from 'Yes', Gabrielle), Diz Minnitt (Orginal bass player for Marillion), and Mike Roarty (Howard Jones, The Pale).

John Zealey is a truly unique musician, who knows what is important in life and what makes good entertainment. Who better to teach us about the joys of life than someone who loves their own?