Indie music label and distributor
Release Date: 07 December 2012
Format: CD Album
Label: A Sweet Niche
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Eye Music 2 3:34
Fork Crime 2:56
Duodecimal 3:03
Gaol Bird 4:24
Bananagirl 2:33
Flirt With Pascal 3:27
Ka's Green Notebook 4:08
24 Note Waltz 4:15
A Sweet Niche are a trio. The latest release EYE MUSIC II was written over 10 days in Madrid and recorded live over 4 days in London. It runs at a furious half hour but contains enough musical ideas to fill that a few times over. The Eye Music series could be described as music for drummers, and people who enjoy an offbeat.
This release comes as a beautiful shrink-wrapped digipack.
Here is the first installment from EYE MUSIC II with Pictures. Each of the pieces from our latest album are realised through moving image by a range of artists across arts disciplines.
The director David Trevail has used eggs and violence to explore the fragility of our mathematical systems.