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Det er Stille Under Vatnet


Release Date: 05 August 2013

Format: Digital



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Det Er Stille Under Vatnet 5:51 Natten Faller For Snart 4:42
Skisse 3:24
Folkesamling 5:58
Regnets Kjærtegn 3:24
Reisen 5:13
Svevende Og Utslitt 4:23
Eldgammel 6:54
Samlet I Månelyset 4:41
Stemmene I Bølgene 3:42
Tiden Stanser 4:55


For many years P. Emerson Williams has been known for densely layered experimental work in the projects Choronzon and Veil of Thorns as well as for adding his unique form of weirdness to releases by Manes and kkoagulaa. Williams' music under his own name for theatrical productions and silent films are marked by the same enveloping and elaborate arrangements. With Det Er Stille Under Vatnet he strips away everything down to a single acoustic guitar with the occasional touch of hunting horn and chanting. Inspired by the majestic landscape and folk music of Norway where he grew up, P. Emerson Williams wrings a highly evocative atmosphere from his instrument.

P. Emerson Williams is a multi-media artist delving in music, art, writing, and video. A visionary artist and an illustrator, his work takes projects spanning physical and digital media, genres and modes of performance to strange realms.