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Indie music label and distributor

Deluxe Kicks


Release Date: 10 September 2012

Format: CD Album

Label: Sour Puss



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Yeah Roy 3:35
Racist Tune 3.26
Jesus Complex Man 2.44
East London Dance Party 3.09
3 Men In A Boat 5.39
12 4.41
Cuckoo 4.07
Nursery 2.45
Death From Above 3.00
Twigs 3.47


4 hand picked from a bunch of indie pop wannabes, their disillusioned road crew and loyal fan base by a member of the music industry elite: 7 name changes, a £10,000 expense account & a failed press junket to the far east later, the arse falls out of the music industry. With the sound of a bullet ricochetting off their ex-manager's skull still fresh in the ears of a traumatised typing pool the unnamed band repaired to the less fashionable end of London to choose the name Local Girls rip off the best bits of the B52s, Ramones & Adam's Original Ants. Y'know the score, keep it fashionable & obscure. Potential liars.